Tagged along …
I think I should dedicate this blog to tags; this is my third consecutive post on tags!
This time it’s Arun. He has asked to jot down three (just three!) of my favourite books. Tough, I would say.
Ok, here it goes, with due apologies to my all other favourite books …
1. The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follet2. Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen
3. The Hungry Tide, Amitav Ghosh
Should I pass on this difficult tag? Nah! Arun, sorry for that. :-)
Photos courtesy: Wikipedia
Haaa at last! You know what, even yesterday I came here to see whether you finished it or not. And then I thought of complaining, but there was no one to complain to ha ha ha. Nice. Yup, it's an extremely tough one, I know that. And I didn't read any of them to have a say about your choice. Have a great time.
Hello. Think I need to thank you. One of my friend, whom I met in orkut this month last year had given me 'Roots' by Alex Haley when I met her for the first time in last February. I was so moved by that work that it became one of my favourite books. I had just wanted to present her with a book that equals or almost equals the intensity of 'Roots'. Now, though a good reader, she hadn't read 'Roots', she presented it to me as one of her friends suggested it. Wondering what am I aariving at? I was so fascinated by your 'all time 3'. Except Amitav Ghosh, I'd never heard about any of the other authors.(I'm not a good reader). This time when I had been to Bangalore, I was already decided to give her 'Dr.Zhivago' another of my favourite, but I was not just happy with that. I had wanted one more, and the criterion was one that I didn't read. And you know which one I went for? "Pillars of the Earth". I'd no struugle to find it. Thank you. I'm in search for 'Marx in Soho' by Howard Zinn. Any idea where I can get a copy. Thank You very much for helping me choose "Pillars...
ohh that's cool!
Wasn't that (to get to know about unheard-of authors) your reason for starting the tag? :-)
After reading Pillars of the Earth only I started reading other Ken Follet books. But others do not come anywhere near 'Pllars ...".
About 'Marx in Soho' - it must be available in Landmark (my favourite haunt when I was in Chennai). I checked their website, it's listed there. :-)
The reason for the tag is you and mea. You guys tagged me first and then me...Yup Ken Follet apart from 'Pillars.. is known for thrillers (blurb of 'Pillars..and Wikipedia)
Thanks for the information about 'Marx in Soho', I've left the title with the bookshop i usually serach for books, let me see...
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